Analyst survey

Each year, we survey over 150 analysts and experts to capture the global corporate landscape. Through thousands of individual interactions, we aggregate insights to create a comprehensive picture.

This year’s Analyst Survey reveals a brighter outlook in 2024 despite fears of economic slowdown. While sectors vary, the survey highlights key indicators for how companies can better navigate the future. We also uncover the emerging sentiments in two of Asia’s powerhouses, China and Japan. Explore the details now.

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Analyst Survey

Rich Pickings podcast

How confident are CEOs as they lean into 2024? Is inflation still a major worry for businesses or has it been banished? How concerned are company managers about shifting geopolitics?


Survey insights

Analyst Survery Report

Want to know more?

Read our Analyst Survey 2024 report in full to gain an understanding of why our analysts think there we're ready for a reset.

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