Our engagement
Fidelity’s Sustainable Investing Team engaged with the company on both our board-level diversity and executive remuneration concerns.
We discussed our new gender diversity policy in detail and our current minimum threshold in Australia of 30% female board representation. As the board was all-male at the time, we outlined that our intention was to vote against the proposed director election in line with our policy.
During our engagement, the company said it would announce the intention to appoint a new female board member in advance of the AGM and make a public commitment to reach 30% gender diversity within the next year. Following these positive announcements, we decided not to vote against any proposals on the basis of this issue.
Remuneration: We met with the company Chair last year and outlined our view that companies which had required taxpayer support to meet payroll costs should not pay bonuses to key executives for the year. Despite having participated in JobKeeper 2 (the extension of the original federal support scheme, which lasted from October 2020 to March 2021) STIs were paid out with the aggregate level of cash bonuses awarded to four key managerial personnel during the year ($2.05m) representing over a third of the level of JobKeeper support ($6m). We decided to vote against the remuneration report on this basis and the company acknowledged our concerns.