Our engagement
Fidelity generally does not support one-off retention awards and has concerns about rapidly escalating executive pay in the sector. We believed that the award could pose reputational consequences for the company in light of its high quantum, and although its absolute TSR growth target was ambitious, we felt that if the target were achieved, it could be in part due to sectoral tailwinds. We were concerned that a high payout under these circumstances could provoke negative reaction from stakeholders and external parties. However, we did acknowledge competitive pressures in the sector for retaining talent and were somewhat comforted by the peer outperformance requirement. We engaged with the company prior to reaching a final decision.
We concluded that we could not support the award because of its high quantum. However, recognising that the company faces a highly competitive environment for retaining executives in its sector, we felt that abstaining to protest the size of the award was the most appropriate response. The strength of the CEO and the long-term award design requiring outperformance were important factors in deciding to abstain rather than vote against.