3 qualities held by future stock leaders (and 3 companies that fit the bill)

This article first appeared in Livewire on 19 August 2024

The next big thing is very likely to be sitting on the stock market right now. A small cap with a game-changing innovation or a mid-cap steadily building out its market base. But how can you sift the treasures from the ordinary?

That’s a question that James Abela, co-portfolio manager for the Fidelity Global Future Leaders Fund and Active ETF, finds himself tracking every day. For him, it comes down to three key characteristics at the stock picking level: viability, sustainability and credibility.

“You need to have a high return business that we call a high viability,” he says.

“Secondly, it’s the sustainability of that high return profile. That’s market structure, pricing power, the fact that it’s a critical component within either a consumer’s head or an industrial supply chain process. Is it unique? Is it solving a problem that is unique that gives it long duration?”
Finally, Abela explains that credibility is the ability to trust in the accounts and management team.

It’s an approach that has worked for the portfolio, with Abela’s analysis of the top 10 showing that these companies have gone up 300% over a 10-year period.

In this episode of The Pitch, Abela discusses trends in the small and mid-cap market, identifying future leaders and shares three companies he holds high conviction in – and it’s not just the usual tech culprits either.

This interview was filmed on Wednesday 7 August 2024.