The Fidelity Factor - Why we're excited for Q2

Can you believe we’re more than halfway through the year? For many of us, the end of financial year (EOFY) feels like an important milestone, as we tie things up before starting the second half of the year. We’ve taken this opportunity to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished so far.  

E - Excited

We’ve enjoyed building our Fidelity Factor community over the past year and are looking forward to continuing to support the careers of you and your staff through our events and partnerships.

We held two fantastic events last year with accomplished lawyer turned endurance athlete and social impact leader, Samantha Gash, taking a deeper look into the Habits of a High Performer.

Earlier this year, we partnered with Striver to support more businesses with finding new talent for their firms. To date, we have participated in mentoring programs and career panels, which have allowed us to connect businesses in our industry with emerging talent.  

O - Overwhelmed 

At the halfway point to year-end, it can suddenly feel overwhelming completing those tasks that have crept up. Whether it be ensuring you complete your annual CPD requirements, cramming in study ahead of your mid-year university exams, or making sure you have all your ducks in a row ahead of tax time. 

The struggle is real. We hope you are all well supported during this time.

F- Fortunate

The challenges faced by Australians in the past 12 months have shifted the way we think about our finances. With the recent conversations we have been having with clients, many are thinking about how we can best secure our futures, not only for ourselves, but for the next generation. We feel fortunate that our research is helping to drive positive conversations about managing the wealth transfer. 

Y - You

We’re passionate about building a space for you and our network to learn from one another. If you’re looking for talent, a connection in the industry, to build financial literacy, or an investment solution, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We aim to use our expansive resources to help. 

Here’s to a wonderful second-half!