The secret to finding the best stocks: Go back to basics

This article first appeared in Livewire markets on 6 April 2023

At the best of times, researching the best companies to invest in is a lot of work. On the ASX, there are 200 listed entities on the benchmark index and each presents their own case for why it should take your hard earned cash. Now compare that to emerging markets, where the MSCI Emerging Markets index has nearly 1,400 constituents. 

So how do you find the select few winners in such a sea of potential opportunities and traps? Amit Goel of Fidelity International argues it's all about the basics.

"We try to understand these strong businesses and there are few of them. Then, we see if they are run by great management teams and given to us at right prices. In some cases, we see structural penetration."

To back this up, Goel presents two companies which are at the forefront of these megatrends. In this wire, you'll get to hear about these companies and how Goel's team work on creating the right valuation for investing in them.